Graduation Ceremony
Graduation Ceremony - June 4, 2025
The 2025 Rocklin Alternative Eduction Graduating Class ceremony is set for June 4 at 7:30 PM at the RAEC/Victory High Campus. The event will be outdoors, on the campus field.
Participating in the ceremony is voluntary. Students not participating can request their diploma be mailed after June 5, 2025. Mail requests should be sent to Denise Moitoza at (
Students Participating in Ceremony:
Graduation Package: Includes purchase of Black Cap/Gown and Tassel (distributed at Graduation practice) Cost is $30 (cash only) to be paid in the Administration office no later than May 30.
If you are in financial hardship, please call us at 916-632-3195 and we will work with you to ensure that this does not impede your opportunity to walk with the class.
Families purchasing additional (non-required) items such as announcements, rings, etc., please note that Rocklin Alternative Education colors are Navy Blue and Orange.
Graduation Practice Schedule:
Monday, June 2 from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
- Please note that practice is mandatory in order to participate in the cermony
- Practice will be in the Multipurpose - please enter from front the parking lot
- Hosted graduation breakfast coordianted by Victory High Teacher Jana Kingery
- Students will receive their four event tickets, cap & gown
Ceremony Specifics:
- Each graduate will receive four guest tickets
- Graduates must arrive no later than 6:30 PM and should report to the Multipurpose
- Gates open at 6:30 PM for ticket holders. Seating is on a first come, first serve basis. No saving seats please.
- Non-ticket holders will be granted access at approximately 7:00 PM
- Parking for families is on a first come, first serve basis. Parking in the RAEC/Victory High parking lot is limited. Additional parking is available along Victory Drive and in the Rocklin High parking lot.